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The machine mainly contains of anengine, Drive Rollers1 Pair Connective Rollers -1 Pair and Idling Rollers cumAdjustable Rollers1 PairAll one side Rollers IE 3 Rollers will be connected by an Endless Rubber Belt Having 6 or 8 Ply and minimum 400 mm width. This belt will be placed 2 sides so that the pipe to be inlined will be rest over the belt between drive roller and connective roller. Normally Drive rollers and connective rollers are same diameter. The idling roller may be smaller than the drive roller.
The belt and roller will be set in correct place and the bare pipe placed over it, Now a rubber belt having 100 mm width and 15 mm thick has to be placed inside edge of the pipe in both ends so that in that area cement will not bond and this will facilitate the pipe jointing in field during Laying and start the engine to run the rated speed may be approx. 120RPM Check the cooling water over the belt.
Now we can apply the mortar from the mixture machine by manually both sides of the pipe. The pouring of the mortar may be done automatically by installing a chute method i.e. the conveyer should travel entire the pipe length to pour the mortar. Now the mortar deposits inside the pipe uniformly by centrifugal force.
The cement and fine aggregate ratio is normally 1: 2 and it may be as per the specification and client instructions only.Also thickness of mortar will be 12.5 mm.The thickness also will be as per the specifications and client suggestions only. So the quantity of mortar will be calculated per pipe and the wastage may be added 5% extra during mixing.
The spun Pipe placed in curing yard, the both end will be covered by Tar Paulin so that the atmospheric air will not go inside and like steam curing will be happened inside the pipe.
The next day we have to open the Tar Paulin and start the curing by manual or sprinkler method at least 7 days continuously so that the surface becomes wet always.
The proper register will be maintained it should contain date and time of in lining, cement aggregate ratio, thickness, speed maintained and duration, curing period. The pipe number and date of in lining will be painted inside the pipe corner.
Mortar cubes will be casted daily and to be tested for strength in proper intervals.
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Integer tempor sapien id leo auctor mollis. Maecenas commodo erat at velit viverra, sed ultrices massa dapibus. Vestibulum hendrerit, orci eu luctus consequat, libero
Integer tempor sapien id leo auctor mollis. Maecenas commodo erat at velit viverra, sed ultrices massa dapibus. Vestibulum hendrerit, orci eu luctus consequat, libero
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Integer tempor sapien id leo auctor mollis. Maecenas commodo erat at velit viverra, sed ultrices massa dapibus. Vestibulum hendrerit, orci eu luctus consequat, libero